What Expertscolumn Members Need to Know about Deletion Options of Posted Articles is Posted in this Article
An open letter to my fellow writer members about my dreams for your continued successes on and offline and important changes to EC that will affect the future of your online article posts at Expertscolumn.com
Hello everyone.
Before we all move forward to whatever endeavors we choice as current writers of EC, there are a few things you should now about delete options of articles and that I want to personally say to all members. Before I bid farewell as EC’s only volunteer moderator, you should
know that Niks and I had a long discussion via PM earlier and he has come to an agreement that will help both EC and all members, obviously, myself included, about the matter of articles posted on Expertscolumn, that I love.Let me first say, it has been a pleasure working with you all, reading over your articles, helping to impact on the polishing of writing styles by you that are more marketable for you financial success and reading the wonderful interaction between EC members supportive comments. Many new members have proven, they were ready to carry the torch for lighting EC pages and enlightening readers and fellow members with very important or inspiring works and commenting. I have seen so many marked changes with the many adversities that EC had faced throughout over the year I have been moderating that includes, defamation of character to Niks, undeserving.
From what I have seen, he has been supportive and true to the progress of building a site that profits its members as best can be expected during an online influx of 10’s of thousands of new articles written online globally, unlike anytime in the digital age before and with the demise of Google Adsense profits due to the abuse of writers, in general throughout the internet. The lack of profits writing online continues to affect all writers and will for sometime, that has nothing to do with Expertscolumn of course, but is a way of life we all have to contend. It is a difficult find, a site like EC, where members are informed early of changes and build a online community that is safe emotionally and fun.
I have found Niks to be an honest man and if anyone knows any better, I say bring it. As the moderator, knowing how detail I can be, ?, I investigate my relationships with associates. I have worked in daily conversation with the administrator and build a close online relationship with him because. I believe in his vision. Also, I can attest that during the many months of working with the administrator, not once have I found his work ethic to be unfair or from devious intent. As Expertscolumn’s moderator, I have been working closely to help ensure we all are treated justly.
I have been more than an editor, but also an advocate here. Although I have never had the authority to view anyone’s personal or financial information, I have had the honor of helping to make decisions that will benefit members. Niks often included me, or my suggestions in moving Expertscolumn forward, through incentives, rules or features, which helped members and Expertscolumn, make more money, build a comfortable community and for members to be treated as true partners in the success of EC.
I think today, our administrator should be commended for his efforts of working endlessly to provide a online community platform where we have been able to improve writing skills, though having a moderation department that ultimately, at one time, positioned the Expertscolumn writing community to be the highest ranking website online. Any new site for writers that may find makes more money for them currently, has nothing to do with longevity or trust and is not an example of being better. Cheers to all of us for helping to make EC a site that proved to be an atmosphere for success for closer to five years as opposed to a few months old.
My dream is to see EC stay afloat and I think after reading this letter, you all may agree, that a decision to shutdown EC immediately, would prove wasteful. I cannot see it being a viable decision. It would prove better to me, to have a time frame for members to adjust, as well as, that time frame helping to give EC an opportunity to perhaps gain back a momentum to enable payment to members again. Posting any more articles during the next few days up to May 10th, 2013, may cause to be counterproductive for the possibility for both members and EC.
“What I am wondering and don't understand is whether EC will continue but without paying for a time. I like EC. I like the whole set up and would hate to see you close down entirely. I'd hang in at least for awhile, pay or no pay if it would help keep EC alive. Is EC going to just fold? I hope not... I love and love writing for EC.”
The above quote is a few sentences from an email I received from one of our fellow members this morning. I told the writer that, although I am not an owner of Expertscolumn, I found her email heartwarming and my sentiments exactly. I feel that many members feel the same way, if not, they wouldn’t be here long enough to post upwards of 300+ articles. There are writers here who have 500+ and even near or over 1000 articles posted. That speaks for itself
of feeling secure. Nevertheless, there are circumstances of working online that can be out of one’s control that has nothing to do with one’s integrity, but the signs of the online writing times.My final words to you all and then, on to the real reason for you wanting to read this article, although I really hope you appreciate the time I have taken to wish everyone well and express my experience with you and Expertscolumn that has included being able too communicate with people from Africa, Germany, the Philippines, Italy, many locales in India, China, Japan and so many other places that I may have never been able to or have global citizens get to know my name, thoughts or articles, if it were not for the Expertscolumn website created by Niks. I know you can feel the power and spirititual connection in that ability for yourself too.
Thank you for respecting me also as your moderator, knowing not to take my work as personal, but as a means to help you produce the polish content you seek to sell. It would take an article in itself for me to write to name all those who have sent many well wishes, through letters, comments and emails of gratitude or sharing your appreciation. You have made my time and effort worth every moment of being a member, writer and moderator. Simply watching your growth, EC’s growth and endless posts being made daily by some writers that at one time lacked confidence in writing abilities or knowledge on how to write a professional article that now has the ability to write for piece work, is touching and worth a reward only light can give.
On to the business of Expertscolumn's proposal.
In a recent conversation with the administrator of EC during the past two days, he and I have come to an agreement that it would be best that members have the option to remove an article or articles. The problem with a mass exodus so soon after the initial announcement of removal of revenue sharing would mean an immediate devastation of EC. Niks is proposing to open up the option of article removal for any writer as of September 1, 2013. This time frame of a three months will give time for company adjustment, help with making a final decision of whether EC will go offline, even if temporarily and help us, the writers, not cause an immediate closing of the site due to a few people making an immediate exodus of articles.
The immediate exodus of a few writers with a lot of articles for instance, could prove unfair to the majority of members for instance, if the site was to shut down with no warning, remaining articles intact. I don’t know the exact figures on how that would work, since Niks and I do not discuss his finances, but I can nevertheless, talk from experience having experienced this as a writer member elsewhere when a unexpected shutdown occurred. In a previous site that I was a member for two years, we were given two weeks notice an imminent shutdown to remove our articles and then the site went down with articles attached. Imagine, have you been on a site and not logged in for over a week, two or more? Imagine coming back to a site after you haven't logged in a few weeks and it simply does not exist. You can see the possible scenario with uncaring, unprofessional or selfish management. What do you say? I think the September 1 time frame is better than no article retrieval at all or an unwarned deletion of a site. I'm thinking of it as a probation period, which is usually 3 months for employees. Difference in the case of Expertscolumn, the probation period would be to see if we, with a sense of team effort, Niks, the owner/Administrator, moderation and all members, which obviously I am one too, can keep this site intact by enacting and supporting the "probation period." That's my, personal assessment.
All in all, this is where EC stands to make it fairer for all involved. If you want to keep in contact with me personally, feel free to write me an email with your personal email and I will lock it for future reference. Lastly, feel free to comment as to your praise of the sites triumphs, well wishes, pride, your growth, the forewarning, the fair treatment, Niks or anything in regards to this decision or the wonderful opportunity EC has afforded you. I for one, am more in favor for the decision, than against it.
Stay blessed and driven. You deserve to be both.
Love to you all,
You all will forever be in my thoughts as one of the best sites online with the best mature, progression online community writers, I have had the owner to be associated. See you later, not goodbye.
© 2013 Sharon L. West- 2008-2013 MightyDreamer Publishing, Inc.