Ahhh at last, the moment has come where making a comment on an article makes money: 1 cents for 50 words and the many implications about being paid to comment on Expertscolumn for members and company. There are several details new and seasoned members need know about the Paid for Comments program at Expertscolumn. Here are the complete official paid to comment program details.
Online writing members the world over, have always found that making comments help with feeling a document is appreciated by its viewers. In some cases, online writing communities pay members a percentage or even a complete viewpoint
for a comment being made. Many writers think that it matters not to comment. It could be that they are just too busy writing, could care less to comment or simply choice not to for various reasons which includes form some personality types, not wanting a writer to know they read their work.At long last, Expertscolumn has come up with a plan to help give incentive to writers to share in making comments. It is a win win situation for both the company and writers to know comment on as many articles as possible, even if it will take a few minutes more than as in the past. If you have not commented within the past few days, you may not have noticed a CAPTCHA has been added to all writer pages when a member has the incentive to comment on an article. Open up the comment box and a CAPTCHA will pop on the screen. Sometimes, there will be a question to answer or code to put in and the comment box will be released to post a comment. Once in a while, you may see a video pop up or a message to press play before a video will pop up on the screen. Simply wait a few seconds and a message will read across the video that will tell the viewer what to write down for a CAPTCHA to post
a comment.This I hope will get all members really involved in commenting on articles not just of people one “likes” over the other, but help to make a community really strong by all of us commenting on articles as much as possible. I know for one, I get very little comments, so I personally know what it is like for a new writer to come on to a site and feel ostracized for whatever reason as to their work not getting recognition, at least by other writers of the community. I am happy to think that many writers who do not have a lot of articles posted could now make more money due to the new Expertscolumn captcha system.
Even more, for the many writer’s like myself that have more than 500 articles and do not make hardly any money, maybe there is one more like myself at least, maybe now we can also have the opportunity to feel their posting earnestly, is worth a dime. Thanks Niks. Remember, commenting helps the ENTIRE community make money. It is a shared effort and will not work abundantly for the site, unless there is universal commenting. That’s commenting outside of circles. Very important. I can foresee that if the new commenting incentive and payment does not appear well distributed among member articles, complaints could be made by those who feel neglected. So please, be fair with your commenting. This could be another payment plan added to the Expertscolumn writing community that make for making more money for the site to rank higher.
Remember to make comments on articles and get paid. Pay for commenting is 1 cents per commenting. Comments need to be throughout posts of members throughout the community and finally 5o words or more to get paid for commenting.
© 2013 Sharon L. West- 2008-2013 MightyDreamer Publishing, Inc.